Lab Establishments

Lab Establishments


Establishing Language Lab

Lab EstablishmentsWhile training the learners in Communication proficiency is not a new order for India, the digitalization of the entire experience of the English language training has remained a challenging task for such training in and outside the education system of the country. It is no secret today that the old methods of training in a classroom have rendered themselves out of sync with the requirements of the masses of the country. The ICT revolution has transformed education per se and training of communication skills has been bereft of the advantages of technological shift in terms of training and learning. With the growing awareness of the advantages of technology in education, educationists, academicians and researchers have unanimously stated that language learning can be accomplished in an effective manner only when technology-enhanced training methodology is ushered in. Hence, language labs are the end our quest for the hallowed technology-aided transformation of language learning.

It is also noteworthy here that language labs have indeed flourished in the country to a certain extent with limited results but the language labs at Station-e are a class apart. The technology used in establishing the language lab is futuristic and yet customized to address the diverse needs of the learners. With all its unique features, the language lab model designed by Station-e defies all comparison to the rest of the customary models of language labs.

A computer-based console is provided for recording the voice and pronunciation patterns of the students which can be accessed by the trainer as well as each one of the learners. The interactive sessions in the lab are an unmistakably effective way to reinforce the theoretical input. Moreover, this interactive process dramatically speeds up the learning without compromising quality and standards. Entire process of training and learning is so well technology-aided that consistent monitoring becomes an essential feature of the process.

There is an LCD TV which facilitates the learners with the opportunity to study the audio-visual articulation of native speakers and internalize the essentials of speaking globally competitive English. The lab provides the facility to record the voices of the trainer and the trainees which are graphically shown on the LCD TV through the console to demonstrate the variation of the articulation, accent, rhythm and intonation of the speech sounds. This graphical analysis is a scientifically formulated process of reducing the MTI (Mother Tongue Influence) and it helps them learn the nuances of the desired accent.

Operational Methodology

  • After the language lab is in place, all the numerous training modules designed by Station-e shall be at the disposal of the Institute to facilitate training to its students in various skills.
  • To render its functioning smooth and efficient, one Faculty and Technical Assistant will need to be appointed by the Institute. Station-e will impart the requisite training to the Faculty and the Technical Assistant.
  • Station-e will keep language lab on Observation Mode for one year to ensure hassle-free transition and flawless functioning of the entire operational mould.

Proposed Benefits of SDC (Skill Development Centre)

  • The students of Institute will be able to obtain training in market-oriented skills such as Communication Proficiency, and a number of Life as well as Soft Skills.
  • Establishment of SDC will address the requirement of grooming the talents of the multitude of students who pass out of the Institute.
  • SDC will serve as the common platform for the various departments of the Institute to channelize their students into the direction of proper career building and skills development.
  • SDC will evolve as the implementation initiative of ICT enabled culture of learning on the Institute campus.
  • The activities and initiatives of SDC will ensure placement and job opportunities to the students who are about to enter the world of business and industry.
  • SDC will serve as the empowerment wing of the Institute as regards the appropriate orientation of the students is concerned.
  • SDC will work as the training regiment of the Institute which will take care of a number of training requirements of the Institute to attain their rightful place in the market as well as in the society.

The Need of a Language Lab

It is a well-known fact that conventional methods have not been productive on the contrary they have been counter-productive as far as training in language, communication and professional skill is concerned. This situation led to an innovation which is popularly known as language laboratory. The first generation models in 1950s which used to run on gramophone Language laboratories have evolved into high-tech audio visual aid which has revolutionised the sphere of language and communication training. Due to the impact and influence of information technology on society and education, computer-assisted language learning is becoming the trend in foreign language teaching. Interactive computer network allows learners to test the result of learning without the risk of being punished for any mistake. Learning does not have to be a pressure. Computer-assisted language learning can reduce the anxiety of students and turns out to be a positive side of learning. Information Technology has broken the geographical barriers; the learners get all that they need just on the click of the mouse. IT has provided the necessary boost to the concepts of active learning which is forms the nucleus within the training methodology used by Station-e Language Lab.

With passage of time a Language Lab established itself as an efficient and resourceful tool for imparting language trainings especially pronunciation. However, very idea that language lab is meant for teaching language and pronunciation is narrow and limited. A language lab can be utilized as potent audio visual tool for conducting various trainings if it is used to its best effect. It can be used for conducting various activity based programmes for generating surprising results as it allows various dynamics for activity based trainings. Recognizing this fact Station-e language lab has been designed for multi-level functions suiting various training programmes Station-e offers.

We take pride in stating the fact that Station-e Language Lab is the best man and machine combination. It is so because Station-e Language Lab is the state-of-the-art IT enabled audio-visual studio cum theater set-up with integration of world class technological equipments engineered and architected into acoustics ambience which empowers it to be the potent training powerhouse. To add to this the Lab is equipped with the studio installations for hi-tech operations like sound- video editing for the   generation of guided and customized audio-visual training aids, video simulations, video conferencing etc. This potent infrastructure synergizes with innovative teaching methodologies with a highly qualified trained human resources along with meticulously customized course panned on micro and macro level tailor made for diverse requirements of the market place.

A vast pull of professionals with sound communication skills will be required in this changing global scenario.  No university or organization can meet this demand as they have their own frame of working. Station-e serves as the meeting ground for the industry and the exceptionally talented youths of the country by providing customized training modules to meet the increasingly urgent demand of highly skilled workforce.

It is our realization that the desired results and the envisioned objectives of the programmes can be achieved only when the training is imparted keeping in  mind the ground  realities  of the  target group. Looking at aforesaid ground realities, we customize special training programmes underlining the requirement of the target diverse group from different spheres. We also have innovative pedagogical and technological tools in place to ensure the learners get hand on training in effective management and communication. We are the leader in pedagogical tools like CBT, active learning, group dynamics to name a few. Given these facts we are sure that we will be able to deliver if given an opportunity. To ensure absolute accomplishments of the objective and flawless execution, we devise programmes keeping in view the macro and micro aspects.

About Us

Station-e language lab is a leader in English Language, Corporate and Personal Communication, Public Speaking, Life-Skills - Soft-Skills, Voice & Accent and BPO training having its national presence and aspiring to kick start its international operations. Station-e language lab is the futuristic innovation which is the meeting ground of world class technology and pristine novel pedagogy. We are a team of visionary Technocrats and Academicians who work day and night to ensure the highest quality standards in the score of training programmes aimed at the holistic development of an individual in terms of intra and interpersonal skills. Each programme is tailored to the needs of the participants and is built on four core elements i.e. English language, Communication (verbal-non verbal), Mannes & Etiquettes, Public Speaking, Global Pronunciation (phonetics). We provide complete solutions in language and communication as well as soft skills/life skills. Our services include establishing the state-of-the-art 4th Generation Digital Language Laboratory, devising tailor made customized courseware, training the staff, nurturing and grooming the franchise with ever growing pools of innovations by rigorous research and development in all the possible ways. While celebrating the fifth successful year in business and anticipating further growth, Station-e remains committed to a professional model of excellence in language and communication trainings through which our clients achieve positive, tangible results.

Our Objectives

  • Provide the best man and machine combination to facilitate active and interactive teaching and learning process.
  • Play an instrumental role in enhancing one’s personality by helping one to realize and surpass one’s latent potentials by providing best of the training in various programmes we offer.
  • Impart innovative result oriented trainings programmes in areas like Language, Personal And Corporate Communication, Life Skills, Soft Skills And BPO-Call Centre Training etc.
  • Provide language courses and communication training in English, French, German, Mandarin and other international languages.
  • Continuously work on production of guided audio-visual aids for various purposes.
  • Development of materials for language-communication teaching and testing, considering the micro – macro aspects.
  • Design befitting systems for language-communication.
  • Research projects in (technology enhanced) language learning and teaching.
  • Rigorously work in the area of research and development tools and implement the conclusions to ensure to maintain and sustain the reputation of producing 100% result.
  • Successful promotions of new designs and products.
  • Excellent scores on qualifying tests and certification examination.

Our Strength

  • As a spacious and acoustic language lab, Station-e is well supplied with all the high-tech audio-visual equipments based on the advanced German technology. The software that is used for Voice and Accent training is in sync with the international standards.
  • A computer based console is used for recording the voice and accent of the students which can be accessed by the trainer as well as each one of the learners.
  • The interactive sessions in the lab are an unmistakably effective way to reinforce the theoretical input which the learners gain.
  • Moreover, this interactive process dramatically speeds up the learning without compromising quality and standards.
  • The real-time video conferencing facility further enhances the confidence of the learner. The whole teaching and learning process is so well computerized that consistent monitoring becomes an automatic process which also serves as a ready feedback.

Our Innovations

  • Technology — First ever integration of the avant-garde technologically sound 4th generation digital language lab with studio installations capable of hi-tech operations like sound- video editing for the generation of guided and customized audio-visual training aids, video simulations, video conferencing etc.
  • Methodology — We are the leader in pedagogical tools of training like CBT, Animation and Graphics Interactive & Active Learning, group dynamics to name a few. We devise customized training modules keeping in view the macro and micro aspects.
  • Customization — We are a team of visionary Technocrats and Academicians who work day and night to ensure the highest quality standards in the score of training programmes aimed at the holistic development of an individual in terms of intra and interpersonal skills. We deliver the customized courseware within 72 hours.

Our Quality Commitment

We have been untiringly striving to achieve excellence in everything we do. In the first place we research into the customer requirements to identify underlying expectations. Having identified the needs and the expectations, we devise programmes and modules to fulfill the expectations. With kind of pedagogical and technological innovations at our disposal, we endeavor to surpass the expectations in executions. In nut shell we are perfectionists and we tolerate nothing less than excellence.

How We Achieve Our Goal

Some of the crucial questions asking for immediate attention are; has traditional classroom teaching got any room in the modern-day global scenario as far as education is concerned? Do the black-board, chalk sticks, duster, an enthusiastic orator and passive listeners make sense any more?

Station-e epitomizes an entirely new era of training in English as it is a scientifically evolved and technology-aided construct, well and truly a class apart from the ordinary English training institutes mushrooming all over the country. Training the aspiring professionals at Station-e rests on the infallible combination of technology and the latest findings of available research on the professional training. As a spacious and acoustic language lab, it makes use of the high tech audio visual equipments which are highly integral to the programmes offered at Station-e.

The learners at Station-e get the opportunity to utilize a score of audio- visual components which enhances the learning as an experience. They are, then, put to work in various activities specially devised to practically work on the content discussed in the session. We emphasize on activity based training to ensure that the learners get time to practically imbibe the content imparted. Not only that the learner perform in each session, we insist that all the performances happen on stage in front of the co-learners to see that public speaking fear of the learners is given a required treatment. Each performance is evaluated by the expert trainer. The learner is given suggestions for the corrective action. There is emphasis on global or neutral accent to ensure that the learners are ready for the globalized work place. The learners are put in to reproduction activities to analyze where their Mother Tongue Influence hinders the acquisition of Accent Neutralization. There is a 42 inch LCD screen which acts as video wall and facilitates the interactive learning. The lab provides the facility to record the voices of the trainer and the trainee which are graphically shown on the LCD TV through the console to demonstrate the variation of the articulation, accent, rhythm and intonation of the speech sounds. This graphical analysis is a scientifically formulated process of reducing the Mother Tongue Influence and it helps them neutralize the Accent. Moreover LCD screen is used for video conferencing which will be a regular feature of courses at Station-e Language Lab.

Based on the latest teaching methodology advocated by the experts from across the globe, Station-e makes use of the highly advanced technological tools to facilitate the learners with the optimum exposure to the native/global speakers with the audio- visual equipments mentioned above. We wish to achieve our aim by the oldest and yet the simplest and the most successful formula of the clarity of vision and purpose, perseverance, and the undaunted pursuit of nothing less than the best.

Thus, courses at Station-e are an embodiment of a rare composition of technology and the latest methodologies coming together to train the learners like never before!!!

Customized Learning Programs

There are no universal solutions. Each problem is unique and it requires a specific solution. Same is true when it comes to training needs of different organizations. Each organization will require a specific training for a specific group of employees. In this situation customizing the training programmes is the only solution. We have a highly qualified team of experts who can devise tailor made ready to use training modules with micro and macro level planning as per the requirement of the clients in as fast as 72 hours from the time of intimation.

Station-e develops exclusive learning programs for its corporate clients. Station-e has served WIPRO BPO (A Division of Wipro Ltd.), Shoppers’ Stop, Zydus Cadila, Max New York Life Insurance, Indian Army (Jamnagar) etc. The programs are developed according to Customer specific requirements.

Trained Staff with Hands On Experience

Station-e selects the best minds available to maintain and sustain the exceedingly high standards of training. The training staff at Station-e is duly qualified in ELT (English Language Teaching) and extremely experienced to run the innovative training modules. The training staff has the consistently successful and inspiring record of training the learners of English at various levels. They are well-trained to attend to trainees of all age groups and classes. Their commitment, expertise and perseverance are the hallmark of a truly dedicated team for the pursuit of the excellence at training learners in Communication Skills. This ensures premier quality of learning English for the respective requirements of all kinds of learners.

Station-e also maintains quality assurance practices for the training and training staff through constant monitoring by the administration. Thus the learners remain focused on achieving the goal of perfection.


National Association of Software & Service Companies (NASSCOM)

NASSCOM is the premier trade body and the chamber of commerce of the IT-BPO industry in India. NASSCOM is a global trade body with more than 1200 members, of which over 250 are global companies from across US, UK, EU and A-Pac. NASSCOM's member and associate member companies are broadly in the business of Services, Products, IT Infrastructure Management, R&D services, E-commerce & web services, Engineering services off-shoring and Animation and gaming. NASSCOM’s membership base constitutes over 95% of the industry revenues in India and employs over 2 million professionals.

Currently, NASSCOM is headquartered in New Delhi, India with regional offices in the cities of Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Pune and Kolkata. NASSCOM has been the strongest proponent of global free trade, and is committed to work proactively to encourage its members to adopt world class management practices, build and uphold highest standards in quality, security and innovation and remain competitive in today’s rapidly changing technology landscape.

Indo-American Chamber Of Commerce (IACC)

Established in 1968, the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC) is a non-government, industry led and industry-managed organization, playing a proactive role in India's development process and serves as a much needed link between the business communities of India and the United States of America. IACC is the only bilateral Chamber of Commerce in India, which is committed to development of Indo-US business and trade relations.

The major objective of IACC is to promote Indo-American business, trade and economic relations. IACC promotes bilateral trade, investment and technology transfer, facilitates business collaborations, joint ventures, marketing tie-ups and strategic alliances through a set of proactive business-oriented initiatives.

IACC has over 2,600 members who together represent a wide spectrum of business and economic segments: manufacturing, exports, services et al. IACC member companies are involved in a cross-section of business domains such as manufacturing, engineering, construction, consumer goods, electronics, IT, pharmaceuticals, consulting, travel and tourism, etc.

The geographical spread of IACC is unique as it operates through 11 offices located throughout the country. These are in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Cochin, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune and Varanasi.

Gujarat Electronics & Software Industries Association (GESIA)

GESIA is a not-for-profit, industry led and industry-managed association. GESIA has become the only nodal representative association of ICT Industry in Gujarat having 115+ members from various parts of Gujarat. GESIA works in partnership with the Government of Gujarat for the promotion of Software, BPO / KPO, Telecom / ISP and Electronics industry in the State of Gujarat.

As a State level body, it provides a recognized platform for discussions & solutions of common issues as well as for networking amongst its members, professionals and Government officials. Over the years, GESIA has formed various partnerships with National Level Industry Associations such as MAIT, NASSCOM, etc. to work with them as their partner in Gujarat.

During these ten years, GESIA has achieved many milestones, including, establishment of EQDC (Electronics & Quality Development Centre) and STTL (Software Testing Training Laboratory), under STQC Directorate, Ministry of Information Technology - New Delhi, partnerships with various National Level Industry associations, working with the Government of Gujarat for State level IT policies, seminars and programs based on relevant industry topics, etc.